Low Variables for Email Address
Is it possible to use LV for Email address used in the member activation Emails sent out?
I have set up the variable, set it to Early Parse,
But when the system sends out the email, it uses the variable name, not it's value.
I know this is a parsing issue, just wondered if there is a way around this. would be handy to have the site Email address set in only one place...
Low 30 May 2011 07:32
Hi symon,
I'm afraid not. The variables are only available in the regular templates, not in the generated emails or forum templates, for that matter.
But I do think that a native variable like {webmaster_email} or something like that might be available.
hambo_symon 30 May 2011 23:00
Thanks for the response, I'll use the global email variable in Email Settings :O)