All Low add-ons are now owned by EEHarbor. Read the blog post.


Add-on development screencast

15 January 2013 No comments

At the EECI 2012 conference in Horseshoe Bay, Texas, I did a talk about developing ExpressionEngine add-ons (see the slides). Of course, there is only so much you can explain in a 45-minute presentation, so people were happy to hear that I was working on an Add-on Development screencast. Today, that screencast is finally done.

Available at Mijingo, the Building an ExpressionEngine Add-on is a 1 hour and 15 minute screencast about building an add-on from scratch. Not just a simple plugin, but a module/extension combo. It covers planning, building and optimizing the add-on, in an approach that has been working well for me the last couple of years.
Go and check it out now!

And if you’re hungry for more after that, be sure to register for my upcoming EEUK workshop in Manchester, May 16th 2013.

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